Services Provided

Wellness Care:

Wellness Care is perfect for individuals who have a) completed skilled care and desire to continue with private pay visits to continue with fitness program, or b) individuals who do not currently have a skilled need but would like the assistance of a PT to establish and maintain a fitness program. 

Wellness visits include 1- hour sessions tailored to the individual's needs.

Wellness services may include:

Strengthening Exercises

Endurance Exercises

Walking Program

Balance Program

Stretching Program

Provides Accountability

Provides Social Interaction

Weekly Visits Provide Peace of Mind

Communication with Physician/Family as needed

Assistance with Chores around house as needed

Encourages Healthy/ Active Lifestyle

and More!

Skilled Physical Therapy:

Affordable private pay skilled physical therapy available for those who do not have insurance

Skilled PT requires an order from a physician

Skilled Services may include:

Parkinson's Disease Rehab

Stroke Rehab

Cardiopulmonary Rehab

Post Surgical Rehab

Orthopedic Rehab

Balance Training

Fall Prevention Education

Strength Training

Endurance Training

Gait Training

Transfer Training

Bed Mobility Training

Assisted Range of Motion

Pain Management

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